Aug 31, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day 331

Quick Post!

I love this, he does it all the time...fall asleep with the paci just barely hanging on :) (He is not, however, usually dressed in clothing that is 2 sizes too big for him!)

A cute smirk. (OK, so my niece Emily, aged 5, after seeing our "first bath" post, wanted to know why Uncle Michael was giving David a bath naked. He was not naked, my mom explained, he just wasn't wearing a shirt. Emily was not convinced. Let the record state that Michael, in this and in all such pictures, does in fact have pants on.)

Another playdate with Emmanuel :)

Sleeping, in my favorite outfit. (As evidenced by the many, many more pictures of him in these overalls.)
I love this little old-man nightgown.

These were taken yesterday afternoon, out on a blanket in the grass on a nice sunny day.

Every night, David gets even more chatty than usual just before bedtime. It is really hysterical, and a ton of fun :)

And finally, a cute sleeping shot.

Aug 26, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day...?

I'll figure out the "Eurolife" day at some point :)

As promised, a video of David just babbling away! The first half was David chatting to Michael during a diaper change. I heard him just going to town so I grabbed the camera and caught the end of it. The second half was taken today in his new "Baby Papasan" swing.


Aug 18, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day 318

More Smiles

David and I had a nice afternoon sitting outside, and he had some very smiley moments which I was able to catch! (We did not have a particularly nice night last night...he insisted upon eating at 12, 2, and then 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7am. This "six week growth spurt" is going to kill me.)

Anyway, today was lovely at least, and he was very cheery!

Aug 15, 2008


Some photos of David this week. He is extremely smiley (and he's already unbelievably chatty, which is funny at 7 weeks!) but he gets distracted by the camera. There's a red light that shines when it's on, and it stops him dead in his tracks most of the time I try to catch him smiling! So these are our best efforts, but they don't quite do justice to his smile :)

He prefers to do his serious thinking in the Boppy pillow.

Face-off with Clover...

Hanging with his own mini-Clover...

Outside the Mensa

And, finally, he LOVES his new mobile! He babbles away at it. I have a video of it I'll post soon!

EuroLIfe: Day 315

Boy, I can't believe it's been 10 days since my last post! I fully intend on continuing this blog--both with baby updates and with our non-baby related Germany adventures. Hopefully once the little boy gets a bit older (read: sleeps for more than 2 or 3 hours at a stretch!) I will be able to write more frequently!

As I said in the last post, we had a really great visit with Michael's family. His parents and 4 of his 5 siblings were all able to come together, and David got an enormous amount of love and affection :) We also got to see some more of the sites around Jena, which is always nice. We went to Weimar and Erfurt, and the latter was a first for Michael and I! (And for David, but I'm not sure he noticed...) Erfurt is incredible. We preferred it to Dresden, which is supposed to be more of a "must-see" for tourists! Erfurt is closer, far cheaper to get to, and both beautiful and fascinating. We heartily recommend it! (Aleisha...any chance we can get you and Tim over for a visit? Bring the kiddos? We'd love to show you around!)

So, here are some photos that capture some of our antics together. (I must be quick again because David is actually (gasp) napping in his crib and there's never any telling how long that will last.)

Here's the crazy part. After looking at these, I cannot believe how much he's grown in the last 10 days!

The first day, introductions all around :)

Michael the Tour Guide

On Top of Mount Jenzig ("Mount" should be read loosely.)

Brotherly Antics with Wasps


And Just Being Cuddled :)

Aug 7, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day 305

A Lovely Day

Michael, David and I had a really fantastic visit with Michael's family, and there is a lot to share from that visit. We did quite a lot of jetting around town, and David did quite a lot of snuggling. Before I do a post about that visit, though, I thought I'd do a quick one about today because it was, as the title indicates, lovely. (And because I'll never write about it if I don't do it now, whereas I will of course eventually share the family photos :)

David wakes up happy. Well, first he wakes up hungry but once he's been fed, he's all smiles! He coos, grunts, makes all manner of noises, and he smiles. It's the best, even if it does all take place at an hour at which I'd rather be in bed. (I am going to try to get a picture of him smiling tomorrow morning.) This morning, after our coo-fest, David and I went to grab pastries for breakfast (one of these days that absolutely has to stop) and came back to sit out in the sun with Michael for breakfast.

Much of the morning went to feeding, clothing, and cleaning David and myself (while Michael, whose hygiene is his own business, went off to the library :) We had made plans to meet Michael at the Mensa for lunch, so I left early with David to go for a walk in the hills. It was incredibly warm, sunny, and clear today and the neighborhoods up in the hills were so beautiful.
David, alas, slept through it--he simply cannot stay awake in the stroller, try as he might. In the meantime, I managed to combine a nice summer walk--primarily an effort to get out of our tiny apartment--with a serious workout! I did not know how heavy the stroller was, or how steep the hills are, before today. We ended at the Mensa with about a half hour to spare, so I lay a still-sleeping David on a blanket in the grass and read a novel. Just lovely.

We had lunch with Michael and Timo, some of which David was awake for, and afterwards David and I headed off to meet a friend for ice-cream. (I know, I know, but it's hard to kick the vacation-eating habit immediately, and our visitors JUST left!)

Kirsten will be moving back to the UK in a few weeks, so it was great to get a chance to sit and chat with her.

When we got home, David was awake and happy and Michael was back home. (Well, first David was awake and grumpy from the heat. Once he was freed of his clothing, he was a happy little guy :)

We had a nice evening, though Michael is killing me in our current dinner-time Scrabble game--and then Michael's friend Timo came over to celebrate the fact that they are both officially becoming "doctors of philosophy" this week! (In fact, David is sitting outside with them right now--which is why (1) I am able to be writing this post, (2) I was able to take a long bubble bath just before writing this post, and (3) despite my promises to myself, I am not yet in bed.)

Well, after typing it up, I recognize that today was perhaps not the most exciting of days...but I liked it! Some days it's a lot harder than others to get out of the house, and yesterday the poor boy, normally rather content, was gassy and cranky all day long. (All. Day. Long.) Today was nice because it was a good example of the kinds of days Michael and I had wanted to have once David was born...not sitting inside with the baby, but spending time out and about with him. Now I just have to incorporate some work, but I plan to try to tackle that beast next week :) Anyway, that was my day!

As for my night...say a quick prayer that David comes back around to the whole crib idea. He had been great--napping and sleeping with little or no problem--but now he's had nearly 4 weeks of cuddly, snuggly visitors and he's decided the crib thing is bogus, and sleep must be done in somebody's arms.

One more thing I've been meaning to share: David has the most enormous Big Toe. It was one of the first things I noticed when I first saw him, and I'm being completely honest about that! So, here it is...I hope the photo gives you SOME sense of it's magnitude, 'cause it's just huge.