I woke up this morning to some very happy David noises, as usual. He always starts the day by chatting merrily in his crib for 10-15 minutes. (After that, if you don't get him, he starts to make "Hey, I thought I made it clear I was awake!" noises. After that, he gets downright grumpy.)
So nothing new about the happy sounds, but still...something was different. I felt...oddly good. It took a minute, and then it hit me: I felt RESTED! Yes, THAT was that funny feeling I couldn't put my finger on. Rested! So I thought about it, and sure enough, I was pretty sure that when I last closed my eyes I was going to bed for the night. Now, there was definitely light coming through the window. Not a whole lot, but light nonetheless. He slept through the night!!!!
I'd love to say we've turned a corner, but my fear is he was just so overtired that he collapsed for the night, and will be back to his regular ways tonight. So if you're saying a prayer, feel free to pray that I"m wrong! I would love to be wrong!
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some photos from Sunday. Just as we were about ready to leave for church, I decided to stay home with David instead. He has not been sleeping super well (teething AND coughing), and church is always right at his naptime, so he ends up way overtired on those days. I stayed home, put him down for a nap, and listened to a sermon online by the pastor of the church I grew up in. It was an excellent sermon, and not just because it was in English.
When Michael got home, we all went out for a hike. (The sun had sort of come out a little, and we didn't want to miss the opportunity to see it.) The hills around Jena are just so beautiful, and I haven't really been up there much since David was born.
Here are some shots from the walk:

(Meg, if you ever get a chance to check this blog anymore, he wears these shoes EVERY day. Thank you a thousand times!)

Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, David did not nap well Sunday morning. We tried to time the hike so that we would be back in time for his afternoon nap, but the warm, snuggly carrier and the steady pace of the hike were too much for the little guy. He struggled mightily--and, to be honest, was revived from what I thought was sleep several times by the sight of the camera--but ultimately he could not stay awake. I give to you the progression:

Hey! This is awesome!

Yep, walking's fun...

OK I'll look, but I won't smile.
(His eyes were closed, by the way, until he saw--through the tiniest of slits--the camera.)

No seriously, I'm awake...
(Again, they were closed. This time I was SURE he was out cold. But as I've said before, this boy can sense a camera.)