Today, thanks to a very productive couple of weeks and a foreboding weather report for the weekend, Michael decided to take a day off and to work a longer day on Saturday instead. It was just perfect. We had a lazy morning together, then wandered downtown to get a new bike helmet for David. (We thought we might get him a bike too--a balance bike--but he was totally opposed to the idea. Bummer.)
We spent the morning downtown, mostly outside and, for a while at least, eating ice cream. Just a great way to start the day.
The plan was to go for a bike ride after David's nap. Unfortunately, and I think probably because I told David the plan, there was no nap. Just a non-nap followed by a bike-ride.
The good news is, David still loves his bike seat! Maybe even more than last year. He's finally old enough to really get into the things we see as we go along, like a passing train or a waterfall, and he gets really excited when we do things with all three of us. (He loves is, and says things like: "Mama bike! Daddy bike! David bike!" over and over again. It's very cute.)
So we rode our typical short ride, about 7 miles to a nearby beer garden that sits on the river. Michael and I each had a beer, David had an apfel-schorle (apple juice with bubbly water), and we all got a great dose of fresh-air and sun. David perfected jumping off of this little wall, and was just exceedingly proud of himself.
When we got home, we were all pretty zonked. The bike ride itself wasn't tough, but I don't think our bodies are used to being in the sun--direct sun!--for so many hours in one day! We ended up ordering pizza, and a great deal of silliness ensued. Which brings us to the video.
Somehow, we started playing hide and seek with the pizza box. David started to laugh about as hard as I've ever seen him laugh, so naturally I had to run and grab the camera. I had to hide the camera, though, so as not to stop the hilarious laughter, so as videos go it's not very good...but the audio is well worth sharing!