Apr 20, 2010

Biking to Weimar

Last Saturday, we had a family bike trip to Weimar. It's not very far, 25 kilometers (15 miles)by the bike path, and it was the perfect way to enjoy the weather.

Sadly, as we were leaving, Michael discovered that he had a flat tire. Fortunately, he and David were able to make the necessary repairs:

David is pretty happy in his bike seat, as long as: (1) he can see me, and (2) he gets regular breaks. When he can't see me, he yells "maMAAAA! maMAAA!" Then, when I manage to catch up (this is often on an uphill) he says, very sweetly, "hi Mama!"

It's mostly cute, but sometimes not. Like when I'm gasping for air pedaling up a steep hill, trying simultaneously to say "It's alright, David, I'm right here..."

I'm totally on board with the regular breaks, though!

David loves taking pictures together now, where I hold the camera:

You just have to love this face:

We did eventually manage to reach Weimar, and even stopped at a beautiful palace just outside the city:

We had a bite to eat there, and David grabbed the Soljanka we were supposed to share and made clear it was not to be shared. Oddly enough, this is one of his favorite foods:

The palace grounds were beautiful, and we spent our time there just wandering around outside:

David's favorite, of course, was walking up and down the palace stairs. (And up, and down, and up, and down...)

He also enjoyed standing up there, his personal stage, and telling us elaborate, very dramatic stories, often about a bumblebee. Or just surveying all that was his.

Once we got to the city itself, we did some more wandering and some more eating. (Very, very mediocre bratwurst, unfortunately.) We capped the afternoon off with MY favorite: Ice Cream!

Michael ordered a coffee-ice cream float (an eiscafe), we ordered David a scoop of mango ice cream, and I ordered the sundae that's named after the city--the Weimar.

I think it's safe to say I chose wisely. Michael chose poorly, and so I had to share the rewards of my wisdom.

David was VERY pleased with his own decision. He usually eats strawberry ice cream, which he calls "pink ice cream." (Don't offer him strawberry, he won't eat it.) This time, he did NOT want pink ice cream, so I suggested orange (mango.) Yes, orange ice cream, that was what he wanted. And he was right.

We had to wait a full half hour as David, slowly but surely, finished that scoop of mango ice cream. We had long since finished, and he was getting colder by the minute, but he was determined (and feisty!)

It was a great day.

Apr 18, 2010

David and Franz

As the weather has (finally) improved, David has been having so much fun out in our backyard. It's a shared yard, surrounded by buildings for the most part, but it's really quite pretty. (OK, so the one right outside our door is kind of ugly, but past the hedge-wall it's beautiful :)

One of the neighbors with whom we share this yard is Franz.

Franz is David's new best bud, and they play together the way toddlers play together. When David sees Franz, he either shrieks at him and tries to kick him, or he runs at him to play with him. If he shrieks, and Franz runs away, David gets upset and tries to find him.

When Franz sees David, he either runs at him to snuggle, or he runs away. If he tries to snuggle, and David runs away, he follows David crying, trying even harder to snuggle with David. He will literally throw himself in front of David's feet so that David has to either trip over him or snuggle him.

Half the time, "playing together" for Franz and David means wandering around at the same time, crossing paths just often enough to make clear that it isn't accidental.

Like I said, they play together the way toddlers play together.

So, here's Franz--coming to see if David can come out to play:

And here's David roaming around the yard:

And here they are together, after a long hard day of playing outside:

Let's get a closer look at that...

Finally, if you'd like to see a video of the two meandering around the yard "together," click here! (It just takes absolutely forever to upload videos to this site, and then the quality is crummy.)

Apr 4, 2010

What a Weekend (or, the Longest Post Ever)

I will do my best not to write much today, because I have about a zillion photos to share. Brevity is not really my strong suit, though, so we'll just have to see.

On Friday, we had our second family bike trip of the season! I forgot the camera on the first one, so here are some shots from Friday. It was wonderful!
We biked to our nearby biergarten, where David enjoyed his first beer:

Well, Ok so it was an apfelschorle, but doesn't it look like a beer? At least a little? :)

Then David asked to take a picture with Michael and I. He's into this lately, and I think it's super cute.

I just love this shot:

OK, flash forward to Saturday! Our great friends, Thomas and Anja (and Immanuel) welcomed a new little boy into their family almost two weeks ago now. Little Artur Koch was born on Tuesday, March 23--right on his due date, just like his brother!--and the family had a welcome party for him on Saturday. We had a blast!

Here David DID get to drink something new...orange soda! We forgot his sippy of milk, and he was downright giddy about the soda.

But mostly he just played with his best bud.

This morning was, of course, Easter! Against my better judgment--swayed, I think, by the abundance of German chocolate that we will soon have to leave--I made David an Easter basket.

He was pretty excited about the chocolate, but more excited about the Sesamstrasse DVD... and even MORE excited about the road-map-jigsaw-puzzle-with-cars thing that I grabbed at Aldi and decided to include in the Easter package. (Note to our future children who may one day stumble upon this blog: We do not intend to continue the tradition of giving toys and presents other than candy at Easter. Do not. This was a fluke.)

At church, more play time with Immanuel:

And after church, and after a much-needed nap, dying Easter eggs!

Sadly, the whisk-trick didn't work for long. I think David's fingers might be blue for weeks to come.

But here they are:

In addition to the basket from us, David also got a special chocolate bunny from our friend Claudia! Unlike us, she splurged on the Kinder Chocolate bunny...

It's delicious. (I'm not telling how I know.)

Finally, Anja, Thomas, Immanuel and Artur came over and we had an easter egg hunt in the yard. It was the perfect afternoon, really.

At the end, though, David was pretty spent. Totally spent, actually. He walked inside, grabbed Eeyore, then came back out and wandered off to go sit and snuggle with him. Our neighbor's cat, who tries harder and harder each day to make himself David's cat, rushed to join him.

Apr 1, 2010

A Serious Belly Laugh!

I just had to share this video. I hope to write another real post one of these days, but for now I really had to share this!