The music scene in Jena: Yes, I suppose we have not mentioned that. I can't speak for Berlin,
Two striking things about the pierced (read: pierce-ed) people of Jena: they have many many babies. Babies everywhere, more than anywhere I've ever lived. (This has been confirmed by numerous people, German and otherwise.) Also, they are astonishingly obedient when it comes to traffic signals. It doesn't matter if the street light has turned red, such that the cars may no longer drive. Until the little green man appears, not a soul steps off the curb. (Can souls step off the curb? Perhaps this should go into the dissertation...) I mean it--my friend was astonished when I made a play for the street in one such situation. She put her arm out and said "It hasn't turned!". Before she'd finished the sentence, it HAD turned and everyone leaped off the sidewalk. This is very difficult behavior for a New Yorker to tolerate, much less comply with.
It's particularly funny to see a group of mohawked, pierced teenage boys stop at the light when there are no cars as far as the eye can see, and simply wait politely for the little green man.
The two pictures today have nothing to do with anything I've said so far. Sorry about that. We haven't taken any new pictures for a while--except for the ones we took today which Michael will post tomorrow...a little teaser for you. Both of today's pictures come from the mountain closest to us, Landgrafen. If you look closely you can see just how different the terrain is. We had been walking among giant Oak, Maple and Birch trees; we turned onto a new path and it was all evergreens. It's really so beautiful up there.
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