Dec 12, 2007

EuroLife: Day 71

Today I'm going to cheat a bit. Michael's been working so hard on finishing up his dissertation, he doesn't have much "writing energy" left for a blog at the end of the day. I am spending my days reading philosophy, though not nearly as much as I should be reading, and thinking about the next couple of days. Tomorrow I have another appointment, so we should get to see the baby again. I'm very excited about that. Tomorrow evening two of our good friends will be coming for a quick visit, and I'm also very excited about that! When they leave, we leave, and get to go back to the States for a while. That I am really, really, very excited about.

So I don't really have much to share today. However, I have long been meaning to include a link to my friend's blog, so that's what today's post will be. Rather than writing something interesting, I will direct you to something interesting! If you scroll down a bit, there's a great post about German greetings--and Jeff and Deanna's as-German-as-American 7 year old son. I highly recommend it :)

Enjoy! I promise to start doing interesting things again once we get back in January; then I'll be able to share fun stories and photos again. For now, my head is already back in the States!

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