The whiskey itself is not all that impressive, though it is Irish and that's always something to be proud of. What is of note is how I acquired the whiskey. Here's what happened. I had heard that there was a whiskey store in Jena, so I googled it and found the address. Then I walked there, rehearsing phrases along the way. I walked in and said, "My husband likes to drink whiskey, but doesn't drink it very often. I am a student, and I'm looking for a whiskey that tastes very good but is not very expensive." He said, "Oh, now that's difficult..." I replied, "I know, but it doesn't have to be very cheap, just not very expensive." I will spare you the rest, but in the end I was deciding between this one and a bottle of Jameson. I asked if he had a favorite of the two, and this was his suggestion. So, this was Michaels' Valentines Day surprise.
I left the store so very proud of myself, I probably looked like a disturbed person walking home. I survived the entire conversation without appealing to English! Even better, the salesman didn't switch to broken English in response to my attempts at German--this happens sometimes, and is a bit discouraging. So that was my triumph of the week. Well, that and turning in a chapter of my dissertation on Monday. It was, at least, my German triumph of the week.
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