Aug 26, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day...?

I'll figure out the "Eurolife" day at some point :)

As promised, a video of David just babbling away! The first half was David chatting to Michael during a diaper change. I heard him just going to town so I grabbed the camera and caught the end of it. The second half was taken today in his new "Baby Papasan" swing.



Unknown said...

Awesome!! He is really trying to communicate and I love his hands and legs getting into the action. Please give him hugs and kisses from us.

Anonymous said...

It makes me miss him so much!!
How adorable! I think he is going to be a early talker like his dad. He certainly is trying to communicate with you. We miss you and love you.

Anonymous said...

Very very cool. He's chatting away! Can't wait to see him in October! - Rachel, John, Fiona, and Eamon

Unknown said...

Love it! He is adorable and what a little chatterbox. As I write this Miss. Abigail is sleeping in her "baby papason" - she loves hers as well, but doesn't ever talk while she is in it. She only "talks" when one of us is giving her undivided attention. Can't wait to meet and hold the little guy!(: I haven't shown the kids but will try to tomorrow. Love, Moira

Anonymous said...

we have this swing!! I cant wait to use it!
He is SO CUTE!! Will I ever get to meet him???

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

He is beyond cute. Love the video