Here's Michael's newest game with David. It's called "Palm the Baby." Two members of the household think it's great.One member of the household has a heart-attack every time the game is played. I'll leave it to you to figure out who is who.
And, finally, one more happy David counteract the sad David picture from yesterday :)
He must have REALLY missed Michael. He was so happy to see him at the train station, when he was not in an otherwise good mood, and now when Michael's around, he can't take his eyes off him! It's very funny, but it's making it a lot harder to feed David when Michael's here :)
So glad to hear that you made it back, if not uneventfully, then at least safely. It was great to see you and spend some time catching up!
"Palm the Baby" sounds a lot like one of John's favorite games: "Throw the Baby." I know, it sounds horrible, and puts my heart in my throat most times. Its when he launches the little person up into the air, head missing the ceiling by millimeters, and catches them again on their descent. Dad and kid come out laughing.
We loved seeing you! Can't wait 'til christmas!
Lots of love, R
Glad to hear you had a great trip. Boy - David is getting big.
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