He hates having something over his face, always has. But suddenly, a few weeks ago, he seemed to keep getting either his bib, a burp cloth or his blankets stuck right there--totally covering his whole face. Whenever this happened, he would flap his little arms around and make frantic gasping noises. Just a bit disconcerting for a parent...until we realized that he was doing it intentionally! He would flip his bib up, freak out for a while, and then flip it back and give a big sigh of relief. Here we see him the victim of a burp cloth catastrophe:
He does this all the time, only now it's evolved into a game of peek-a-boo most of the time. (Not always. When he does it at 4am with his little frog-blanket sleep buddy, it's an "I know what will make mom pay attention to me" game. Then it's not so cute.)
Here's the whole peek-a-boo sequence (again, nice and dramatic for the camera):
Of course, there might have been other reasons for which he kept flipping his bib up that night. We had introduced prunes to his diet. He is, as the Germans say, verstopft--say it aloud and you'll probably figure it out, if the prunes didn't give it away. He was not exactly thrilled.
I love this last photo. "No really, mom, I'm good!"
So, you know how hard I laughed about two turkey eggs in the oven? That's how hard I laughed at that last photo!!!!
So funny.
Hi Dolores! He is getting soooooo big and cute.
Great to catch up via blog. Your boy is getting so big and you sound like such an experienced mother! Seeing the photos of you playing ping pong make me miss Jena...we loved that park. So are you guys going to be around for Christmas sometime? We'd love to see you.
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