Sometimes it can be very frustrating living in another country. (That, coupled with the fact that it is apparently totally legal here to set the utility bills too low and then back-charge the tenants a year after the END of the year. As in, "surprise! You owe us 1200 Euros for 2007-2008. We'll get back to you shortly about 2008-2009.")
But I digress.
So after a second medication, David's pneumonia is better, and he's only coughing a little, but now the poor thing has a stomach bug! It's really sad. We had a great couple of days where he was feeling well, but now he's been sick since Friday night.
Friday night was actually a tiny bit funny. He went to bed, started to cry, Michael went to check on him and he had thrown up everywhere. That wasn't funny, but it WAS funny when, for the next 15 minutes, he chatted nonstop about it. It was all sorts of baby babble punctuated with "Uh oh bed! Uh oh, crib!" Then he looked at me and said, with a serious expression "Uh oh, BLLEEEHHHHH!!!!" and did the best throw-up sound I've ever heard. I could not stop laughing, so of course he kept on doing it.
Anyway, that's where we are today. But here are some cute photos of the little guy, who just keeps getting cuter and cuter if you ask me.
Here he is watching Elmo on the ipod:
And here he is with his new "camera smile," which cracks me up:
And the camera smile with the nutella twist:
Have you noticed the hair?! Here's a closer look, post-bath:
A few days ago, pre-stomach-bug, Anja and I decided to go grab a coffee together with the boys. We figured they'd play, we'd chat, and it would be lovely. We were wrong. Mostly, I chased the boys, wrangled them back into the coffee shop, sat down, and immediately watched this happen:
The only thing that temporarily distracted David was getting to play with my (empty) espresso cup:
Finally, I have to show off David's scarf. I crocheted him a scarf and hat a few months ago. The hat looks astonishingly bad, and he cries if I try to make him wear it (seriously. And he loves wearing hats.) But the scarf worked out! Here in Germany, if you allow your child's neck to be at all exposed, you're basically a criminally negligent parent who doesn't love her child. So it's a good thing the scarf worked out.
So, to summarize: David is sick again, but at least he's cute!
Cute! Cute! Cute!
I'm so sorry your baby was so sick, but you're right that he gets cuter and cuter!
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