What is the Mensa, you ask? The University's cafeteria. There are actually several Mensas, including a mini one in the Library. We prefer the one that we affectionately call "Nerdy Mensa." I will get to that story in time, but first a picture.
Reason #1 why the Mensa is so fantastic: This meal costs us about 2 Euros. (1.50, plus .50 for the pudding. Often the meals come with either a salad or a desert.) Once Michael gets promoted to the full position, he will stop getting the student price and have to pay about 3.00/meal. Somehow I think we will survive.
and, to repeat myself, delicious. That makes Reason #2.
Reason #4: When it's cold outside, it's cozy and warm in the Mensa. When the weather is nice, we eat at tables outside and look out at the hills. It's what they call a win-win situation. (Or, as they say at Dunder-Mifflin, a win-win-win situation.)
And now for my favorite Mensa picture. In addition to the daily meal offerings, soup and bread is always an option. Usually, though not always, the soup comes with a wiener. You eat the soup with your spoon, and just pick the wiener up and take bites from it as you make your way through lunch. The first time I saw this I was rather amused.
(This is not just a Mensa phenomenon; soup with a wiener seems to be a staple here in Jena.)
So why do we call it the Nerdy Mensa? Well, a few weeks ago a German friend asked me if I'd like to join her at the Mensa for lunch. Much to my surprise, we walked all the way to the center of the city and into a crowded, happening spot that only loosely resembled the Mensa I know and love. We had to sit in the middle of a long table between people that we did not know. My friend asked if I had been to the Mensa before. Yes, I said, but not this one...I had been to the one on Philosophenweg. "Oh," she scowled, "that's not so good...that's where the people who do Physics and stuff like that eat." I had been introduced to the Cool Kids Mensa.
So there you have it. Perhaps one day, if you visit, you too can enjoy the Mensa. I do think that, upon returning to the States in 3 years, I will have grown spoiled. There's something to be said for a hot meal in the afternoon without having to cook or clean. I'm a big fan.
MMMMMmmm....German food...not so much to look at but very tasty.
This is my first time to look at your blog I will admit but at least I did look at it. Sounds like everything is going pretty well! I am so happy for that and all the pictures are gorgeous!! I can't wait to come and visit and I also miss you guys a lot. I think my favorite was the picture that said no ice cream. I do however like the idea that ice cream is a big thing in Germany. I would definitely become very fat very quickly. Okay well now that I figured out how to look at this I will visit the site more often. Your in my prayers :)
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