Nov 28, 2007

EuroLife: Day 62

Just a very quick note to say that all is well, and regular blog programming should return tomorrow! I had another ultrasound today and the baby looks great. In fact, today it looked much more like a baby than a gummy bear; it was very exciting.

One more funny hospital story: Yesterday I was permitted to walk around a bit inside the building. I walked up and down the (single) hallway some, and took the elevator to wander the hallway in the other 3 floors. It was very exciting. Today they told me that I could go outside, and I was actually very excited about that. It was a sunny and beautiful day, and the hospital is right downtown. Alas, when Michael came by and we set out for our walk, they told me (via Michael) that I couldn't leave the hospital grounds. It was pretty funny, we wandered around outside within the confines of the grounds. I felt a little tiny bit like a prisoner, looking over the wall down to the lovely trail that runs along a stream...

I'm mostly kidding, of course. I am bored beyond belief, but only because I feel so well. I am very thankful that things are going so well, and a little boredom is not the end of the world. And now, in about 15 hours, I get to go home!

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