Two posts in one day!
I wanted to share a funny story. Yesterday, David was waking up from his nap and I could hear him happily chatting away, then quieting down for a few minutes, then chatting again. I wasn't sure if he was going to fall asleep again (sometimes he does), so I was waiting before going to get him. Then I heard a loud crash, and jumped out of my chair about to race in--but not only did I not hear him cry, I DID hear him happily chattering away again.
So I waited again. I figured the crash had come from upstairs.
Then I heard it again, and thought "What on earth are they doing up there?"
The third time, it really sounded like it was coming from the bedroom, so I went to check on David. This is what I found:
One arm out of his sleeve, David was slamming his head through the mesh side of the pack and play into the wall! THAT was the crazy loud, bowling balls on the floor sounding noise I was hearing. Here's a close-up, where you can kind of see the red marks on his forehead:
As you might have noticed, you can also see the smile on his face. Clearly, he didn't mind crashing his head against the wall, and didn't get why I kept telling him to stop!
Sometimes he can be kind of a weirdo! :)
We have had a lot of fun lately, though. We met up with another American woman who lives in a neighboring town and has a 3 year old daughter. We all went to a cool indoor play-place, where David got his first experience in a ball pit!
If I were a slightly less-good mother, I would have a picture of David lying on his back, trying to wiggle back up into a seated position and looking confused as he, instead, wiggled himself deeper and deeper into the pit. Sadly, my instincts got the better of me and I helped him, instead of taking the picture I really wanted to take.
We've also all been spending a lot of time at the park around the corner:
And, of course, there's fun with finger foods! If we let him, David would eat a banana with every meal, and then another one for a snack. It's so cute to watch him hold it and take big bites off of it! Sometimes if he takes a bite that's too big, rather than spit it out, he uses both hands to cover his mouth so it can't get out while he chews. It cracks me up.
Finally, I did something yesterday that I've never done before. I often make French Toast for David, with no sugar but with cinnamon, and he eats it plain. Last night I thought, why not let him have a little blueberry jam? the plan was to feed him in a diaper, since he goes right into the bath after diner anyway. Well I forgot to get him undressed, and immediately regretted my decision...
He, on the other hand, thought it was fantastic!
I would love to see a picture of his hands over his mouth stuffed with banana! He is too much, this little guy.
He is adorable! I think that is what I write in all my comments to you guys, but I can't help it. What a face. I can't wait to see you all this summer. Also, I am so glad to hear that you are able to take bike trips. Sounds wonderful.
love, Moira
DJ#2 takes us back to DJ#1, 1957! @ 1 year he pulled all curtains down in his BR while "napping" & fell asleep behinddoor! Hard 2open!
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