We actually had a warm-up trip on Friday that was awesome, but I didn't bring the camera for that. We set out on a bike path, an hour later found ourselves in the middle of a May Day celebration, and promptly settled-down with the locals to enjoy beer, bratwurst, and the sunshine. (The ride back only took 20 minutes, and confirmed our suspicion that we'd been gradually, but consistently, riding uphill!)
On Saturday, we biked from Jena to Naumburg. (There are two Naumburgs, as it turns out, but we went to the closer one.) By bike, it is supposed to be about 40 km, or 25 miles. We followed a path that included some bike-paths and some low-traffic roads, and that followed the Saale River. What the bike-book didn't tell us was that there is currently a detour. A long detour. It added 15 km, most of which involved riding UP from the river way, way, way higher than we needed to go. It was not pleasant. I was not pleasant during this part of the ride. Neither was David, which is funny considering his comfy, effortless position in the baby seat!
The rest of the trip was fantastic, though. It was sunny, warm without being too hot, and the landscape was gorgeous. We even saw two baby goats ramming each other and sort of wrestling in a field right by the roadside. It was surprisingly entertaining!
By the time we got to Naumburg, the church we had hoped to see was closed and David was beyond tired. Still, we had a quick dinner--which we ate one at a time, while the other walked with David...who was absolutely done with sitting still--and took the train back to Jena. (Another adventure for another time, but all worked out in the end!)
Per usual, here are some photos!
Our first rest-stop, about 20 km in. David was ready to move his legs, and we were all pretty hungry by then.
David ate some cheese... standing up of course!
Then he set off to do some exploring.
Towards the end of our deadly detour, David was so ready for a break that we had to stop here. On the side of the road. It was pretty enough, but not our first choice. Still, he was SO good for such a long time, we didn't mind too much :)
David, our little German boy, munched on some broetchen.
And of course, smiled at strangers as they walked or biked by.
The church at Naumburg.
The city, near where we ate.
David, having sat in a bike seat for at least 6 hours, was ready to be mobile. Here he is next to our table at the restaurant, playing with his helmet.
And finally, a shot of the sunset as we left Naumburg. It was so vibrant, and made me wish I had a better camera!
1 comment:
Biking pix are making me long 4 those days of yore as I rode our 4 and some of their 25 yearslater! Love, GGMorris
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