Oct 30, 2008

Jet Lagged Baby--Part Two

Well, it turns out some of you didn't love seeing David looking so sad. (Grandmothers can be so sensitive!) So, I thought I'd share a few more photos of the happier times spent keeping David awake last night! The sad picture was taken a few minutes before we put him to bed. Before that, there was frolicking, gallivanting, cuddling, and--of course--Scrabble playing. (David is getting a little too good at grabbing the tiles now, though, so that will only continue to get more difficult :)

Here's Michael's newest game with David. It's called "Palm the Baby." Two members of the household think it's great.One member of the household has a heart-attack every time the game is played. I'll leave it to you to figure out who is who.

And, finally, one more happy David picture...to counteract the sad David picture from yesterday :)

He must have REALLY missed Michael. He was so happy to see him at the train station, when he was not in an otherwise good mood, and now when Michael's around, he can't take his eyes off him! It's very funny, but it's making it a lot harder to feed David when Michael's here :)

Oct 29, 2008

Back in Jena!

David and I are back from our whirlwind US adventure! We spent a week in NY and 4 days in Atlanta, and returned Sunday-Monday of this week. David is an amazingly easy-going baby, and did not seem to mind the flights at all. He also didn't mind the 3 hour train ride to Frankfurt, so after a perfect 9 1/2 hour flight from Atlanta to Frankfurt, I was expecting a pleasant--if sleepy-- train ride home. Here's what happened:

I got on the train with plenty of time to spare, and found a nice seat. Thinking "ahh...3 hours until we change trains at Weimar, then 15 minutes to Jena!" I got out my nursing cover, my beverage, and my Time magazine and settled in to feed David. Just as he started to eat, the train stopped and the conductor said something about the last stop, and everyone having to get off. Not a good sign. I scrambled to get my stuff together, checked my ticket (bright idea--should obviously have done so sooner) and saw that there were, in fact, TWO transfers.

So off we ran to the platform, where I heard an announcement about a 10 minute delay. I waited, and waited, and then a train came that was not my train, so I waited some more. I finally asked a conductor, who explained that my train was long gone. There was a platform change, and I hadn't heard it.

Pleading poor-German listening comprehension skills, I got them to stamp my ticket so that it would work on the next train, which left in about 2 hours. I called Michael, and spent almost 2 hours feeding David and trying to find a bathroom with a changing table! Finally, the next train was set to leave, so I headed for the platform...only to see a sign saying that this train had been canceled. Not delayed, mind you, just canceled! I nearly burst into tears. Instead, I wandered aimlessly muttering to myself and to God--aloud, I fear. Fortunately, I stumbled past another platform that claimed to be an "Ersatzzug" (replacement train) for my train! Would have been nice to have put that sign on OUR platform, but what can you do.

So in the end, we rode back on a very, very slow train with very few seats...it must have been ages since this train was in regular rotation. The passengers were all so grumpy, that nobody even offered me a seat--despite David strapped to my chest in the Ergo. (This is atypical. I'm telling you, we were a surly bunch.) I had a funny fold down seat, perpendicular to the others, but it was rather awkward.

AND I hadn't had a chance to call Michael! So I was an hour late, and he was worried, but in the end we got home safely. I can't blame him at all, but David was not a very pleasant traveling companion for the last hour or so of the trip :)

So that was our adventure!!! I should add, the trip itself was absolutely wonderful. I will write more about it, and post pictures of David meeting his cousins and playing with his many aunts and uncles, but for now I thought I'd just share our unfortunate last leg of the trip. Not sure why, come to think of it, but there it is.

One more thing: David is terribly jet-lagged. Last night was a total disaster--by far the worst night we've had since he was born--so tonight we tried to keep him up as late as possible. The plan was 11:30. We made it to 9pm. Here's how David felt about it:

It's not very nice to take pictures of your own child as he cries, and begs to just be put to bed, but his little face is just so cute I couldn't help it!

To be fair, there were some fun times too:

That's it for now! I have a new plan, and I hope to stick with it. Henceforth I will try to write a SHORT post every day or two. The longer I go between posts, the more compelled I feel to post a million photos. Instead, I will now aim for short anecdotes with one or two pictures. Here's hoping!

Oct 16, 2008


Wow, I was very tired when I wrote that last post, and it looks like it was a little confusing. I'm not giving up on the blog itself, just trying to find "eurolife day..." numbers for each post!

So please keep checking :)

Oct 15, 2008

We're Giving up on the Eurolife Day Business...

...for a few reasons. First, we realized that after a year we were about 10 days off. So it turns out we weren't very good about the whole counting thing. Second, as you may have noticed, we're not exactly writing every day anymore. (Some of us--ahem--are not exactly writing anymore at all!)

I was just thinking about how fun it was when I would really write posts for this blog! I have had so many ideas lately, including a post about the new shop in the Goethe Gallery (our mall). It's called "Mister*Lady", but despite what you might think, it's not for those of the cross-dressing persuasion. Just another funny use of the English language. And then there was the stove we saw at a friend's house...it was called "Competence." I had to work at not laughing there. I could just see the commercials now: "Want an oven that is able to get the job done? Maybe not particularly well--this oven is not going to stand-out in any way, but, you know, it meets the basic requirements of ovenhood? Have we got the oven for you!"

But, alas, time is short! So, again, I bring you pictures with captions. One of these days I'll be a blogger again :)

We love this hat! (Not my finest hour, but he looks pretty cute :)

Playing with Frog & Turtle:

Bath time! (He loves it)

Tummy Time on his AWESOME blanket--made by his aunt Rachel!

Daddy time--interrupted by the camera

Hanging out with Emmanuel, his best (only?) friend:

And finally...our little studious boy:

For a closer look...