We've had some nice times too, of course, and David just gets funnier and funnier. I'm amazed at how old he all of a sudden seems to be. I can't even put my finger on it, but this week in particular I feel as if he's had a developmental growth spurt. It's really fun, and of course good, but also the tiniest bit sad. There's very little baby left in that boy! (Ever-present pacifier to the contrary.)
I realized that I never write much about his little accomplishments, so here are a few David-brags: he loves counting, and can count (with some prompting) to 20. He can count to 10 with no help, and loves counting objects---which he can do up to about 6 or so. He seems to know his left from his right, which we can only assume comes from Dr. Suess's "The Foot Book." He has demonstrated the ability to go to the bathroom both in the potty AND on the floor.
My favorite: He can tell us when something is too spicy. "Too 'picy! too 'picy!" This doesn't necessarily mean he'll stop eating it, mind you. Often he'll just wait a minutes, and then start chowing down again--with watery eyes. It makes us very proud. :)
That's all I can think of for now! My plan for this blog was to just post pictures, but as we all know I never can manage to do a short post. In any case, here are the pictures of what we've been up to lately.
There are really no words for this one:
Or this one:
David is still sort of obsessed with all things vehicular:
Anja introduced us to a new playground, and it's awesome! It is at a school, and there's a blacktop and a great play area AND the streetcars drive by--which, if you're a toddler boy, is just about as good as it gets.
This big ropey climbing structure actually spins! I think it's pretty cool.
David: "If I stare long enough, maybe she'll come and sit on the other side?"
The difference between a stay-at-home parent and a working parent, I've discovered, is this: a stay at home parent would never take one of the very few things that a child plays with, happily, on his own and turn it into a game that requires a lot of parental work.
But it was still fun to watch them zipping around like this. :)
David throwing rocks, with his beefy arms that we love so much:
And here are those beefy arms again, with what was, I think, supposed to be a camera smile:
And finally, more snuggling with Franz:
I'm a little bit scared of the "camera smile," but highly amused all the same. You're right - he is getting big! But so adorable. Hope you enjoy your remaining time in Germany. Perhaps we will cross paths when you're back stateside!
I am so excited to know that I can hug and talk to this little guy live and in person soon. Thanks sooo much for these blogs posts and personally I love your commentary!!!!
Love, Grandma
So glad ya'll will be back soon. I love the last picture of David and Franz.
So, will you still write about David, even if you are back in the States? I know I will get to see him more often, but this blog has been a treasure. I don't want it to end!
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