Nov 12, 2008


Sorry I went MIA again! We are in the midst of a little something called the "four month sleep regression," and it is not fun. It seems to be getting better, so here's hoping!

What IS fun is all the giggling that David's been doing. Here is a video of Michael cracking David up. Warning: it contains great silliness on Michael's part, so if you are not sure you want to see him with, say, a sheep on his head, you don't want to watch this video.

One funny thing about David's sense of humor: he has extremely high standards for a tiny baby. Lots of things that make almost all babies laugh--like blowing bubbles on their tummies--do absolutely nothing for this kid. Things that DO make him laugh tend to make him laugh once. And only once. (Unless you wait a day or so before trying again; that sometimes works.) Basically, you wrack your brain for the goofiest thing you can think of, get a few belly laughs out of David, try again, and get a look that says "Yes, that's nice, but what else you got?"

Like I said, high standards. Anyway, here's the video!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing!