Apr 18, 2010

David and Franz

As the weather has (finally) improved, David has been having so much fun out in our backyard. It's a shared yard, surrounded by buildings for the most part, but it's really quite pretty. (OK, so the one right outside our door is kind of ugly, but past the hedge-wall it's beautiful :)

One of the neighbors with whom we share this yard is Franz.

Franz is David's new best bud, and they play together the way toddlers play together. When David sees Franz, he either shrieks at him and tries to kick him, or he runs at him to play with him. If he shrieks, and Franz runs away, David gets upset and tries to find him.

When Franz sees David, he either runs at him to snuggle, or he runs away. If he tries to snuggle, and David runs away, he follows David crying, trying even harder to snuggle with David. He will literally throw himself in front of David's feet so that David has to either trip over him or snuggle him.

Half the time, "playing together" for Franz and David means wandering around at the same time, crossing paths just often enough to make clear that it isn't accidental.

Like I said, they play together the way toddlers play together.

So, here's Franz--coming to see if David can come out to play:

And here's David roaming around the yard:

And here they are together, after a long hard day of playing outside:

Let's get a closer look at that...

Finally, if you'd like to see a video of the two meandering around the yard "together," click here! (It just takes absolutely forever to upload videos to this site, and then the quality is crummy.)


Reconciled Parenting said...

Oh my goodness. This is the cutest ever. Franz seems like a pretty cool cat. The best, obviously, is David and Franz on the steps. =)

Brittany at Mommy Words said...

Those pics are absolutely adorable! Toddlers rock.