Apr 4, 2010

What a Weekend (or, the Longest Post Ever)

I will do my best not to write much today, because I have about a zillion photos to share. Brevity is not really my strong suit, though, so we'll just have to see.

On Friday, we had our second family bike trip of the season! I forgot the camera on the first one, so here are some shots from Friday. It was wonderful!
We biked to our nearby biergarten, where David enjoyed his first beer:

Well, Ok so it was an apfelschorle, but doesn't it look like a beer? At least a little? :)

Then David asked to take a picture with Michael and I. He's into this lately, and I think it's super cute.

I just love this shot:

OK, flash forward to Saturday! Our great friends, Thomas and Anja (and Immanuel) welcomed a new little boy into their family almost two weeks ago now. Little Artur Koch was born on Tuesday, March 23--right on his due date, just like his brother!--and the family had a welcome party for him on Saturday. We had a blast!

Here David DID get to drink something new...orange soda! We forgot his sippy of milk, and he was downright giddy about the soda.

But mostly he just played with his best bud.

This morning was, of course, Easter! Against my better judgment--swayed, I think, by the abundance of German chocolate that we will soon have to leave--I made David an Easter basket.

He was pretty excited about the chocolate, but more excited about the Sesamstrasse DVD... and even MORE excited about the road-map-jigsaw-puzzle-with-cars thing that I grabbed at Aldi and decided to include in the Easter package. (Note to our future children who may one day stumble upon this blog: We do not intend to continue the tradition of giving toys and presents other than candy at Easter. Do not. This was a fluke.)

At church, more play time with Immanuel:

And after church, and after a much-needed nap, dying Easter eggs!

Sadly, the whisk-trick didn't work for long. I think David's fingers might be blue for weeks to come.

But here they are:

In addition to the basket from us, David also got a special chocolate bunny from our friend Claudia! Unlike us, she splurged on the Kinder Chocolate bunny...

It's delicious. (I'm not telling how I know.)

Finally, Anja, Thomas, Immanuel and Artur came over and we had an easter egg hunt in the yard. It was the perfect afternoon, really.

At the end, though, David was pretty spent. Totally spent, actually. He walked inside, grabbed Eeyore, then came back out and wandered off to go sit and snuggle with him. Our neighbor's cat, who tries harder and harder each day to make himself David's cat, rushed to join him.

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