He's Done!
Michael handed in his dissertation this evening! It weighed in at a whopping 314 pages. That's an awful lot of dissertating. The evening culminated with our taking turns scanning the document for final formatting errors, but only after we spent ages (on two different computers) wrestling with what can only be described as the most inexplicable, irrational, seemingly malicious series of pagination glitches in Microsoft Word. Some day, when I have more energy and am less tired of staring at a computer screen, I will try to explain just how weird it was. Tonight, I will leave you with a picture of the man himself--Hegel, not Michael--and go to bed.

(It would have been a picture of Michael, but I could not persuade him to strike an "I just finished my dissertation" pose for the camera. It's too bad, too. He is, in my opinion, a much better looking man than Georg Wilhelm Friedrick Hegel.)
Michael handed in his dissertation this evening! It weighed in at a whopping 314 pages. That's an awful lot of dissertating. The evening culminated with our taking turns scanning the document for final formatting errors, but only after we spent ages (on two different computers) wrestling with what can only be described as the most inexplicable, irrational, seemingly malicious series of pagination glitches in Microsoft Word. Some day, when I have more energy and am less tired of staring at a computer screen, I will try to explain just how weird it was. Tonight, I will leave you with a picture of the man himself--Hegel, not Michael--and go to bed.

(It would have been a picture of Michael, but I could not persuade him to strike an "I just finished my dissertation" pose for the camera. It's too bad, too. He is, in my opinion, a much better looking man than Georg Wilhelm Friedrick Hegel.)
Congratulations! And hope you enjoy Leipzig! The train station is amazing. We go every once in a while for Pizza Hut. Welcome back and hope to see you soon.
Congratulations, Michael!
Jack and Kathy
Whohoo!! Cheering for you here in North Carolina. Congratulations and job well done.
It was great seeing you both at Christmas time!
With love, from the Horton family
Congratulations on the dissertation!
Just catching up on y'all's blog, finally. Dude, Michael - a hearty congratulations!! That's fantastic news indeed!
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