This is just one of the many, many beautiful buildings we saw in Leipzig today. We set out early this morning, (well--early for us) and were able to see quite a lot of the city. There is much to write about, but most of that will have to wait until tomorrow. (Now we are both quite sleepy!) In fact, it seems that most of the things we saw and did today deserve their own posts, so you may very well be in for a week of all Leipzig-all the time. We saw the Stasi museum, built in the old Stasi headquarters, and two churches where Bach served as cantor. We had coffee in one of the oldest coffee houses in Europe. It dates back to 1694! (Full disclosure: I had hot chocolate. I can't even stand the smell of coffee these days. It's a little sad, but at least I have a good excuse for drinking hot chocolate.) We saw one truly unimpressive museum--and it was the only one we paid to enter. It was not mentioned in our guide book, and I suppose we should have thought a bit about why that might be. There were some photographs of Leipzig in the basement, and a collection of carnival paraphernalia on the first floor. In contrast to the incredible, free museums scattered around Leipzig, it's no wonder nobody bothered to mention this one.
I managed to find my way to Lush :)
Now for the sad part of the story. (Don't worry, it gets funny--if a bit gross--in the end. Actually, if you don't like gross things, you may want to skip the rest of this post!) Michael and I were reading on the train home and, though Michael reads on trains all the time, this time it did not agree with him; or with the curry dinner he had only recently consumed. We made it home, but he was pretty sick. He began to clean the toilet with some bathroom cleaner we have when he noticed--for the first time--something funny on the bottle:
Oh yes. He was cleaning the bathroom with Barfin brand bathroom cleaner. I tell you, you can't make this stuff up.
I apologize for the somewhat coarse nature of today's blog, but Michael really thought this deserved a post and, truth be told, I kind of agreed with him.
Now I'm off to bed. It seems I am utterly incapable of "just writing a few lines" on this blog, despite my best plans. More on Leipzig to come!
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