So: The next time I complain about the difficulties of living in Germany (which I may have done once or twice over Christmas break), please remind me that I should stop. Micheal and I never spent our evenings in South Bend wondering if we should go on a cruise in the Greek Isles, go to Barcelona, or simply take a jaunt over to the Alps. This is the kind of thing that should be appreciated!
Reed and I speak on the phone less often. He is not quite 2 1/2, and is in general less interested in the phone than Em. Well, today he was interested. Our first conversation went something like this:
Reed (in a high-pitched "phone voice", quite unlike his normal voice): "hi!"
Me: "hi!"
Reed: "hi!...hi hi hi! goodBYE!!"
Moira and I laughed and thought that was it. But no, Reed insisted (loudly) that it was still his turn to talk on the phone with me. Moira gave him the phone back, and the previous conversation was repeated. We again thought he was done, he again protested loudly. Moira gave him the phone once more, explaining that this was it. Now Reed had it figured out--he had to do a better job of filling the time. Here's what followed:
Reed (in same phone-voice): "Hi!"
Me (trying to help here): "Hi, did you like sledding yesterday?"
Reed: "Yes, fun. Fast...Daddy pulled fast. I like sledding. I like toys...I like big toys...and...mommy...and...daddy...and...Emmy...and...babies. I like babies...
The list was much longer, though I only understood some of it. He went on forever listing things that he likes. I could not stop laughing. Eventually Moira got the phone back, though Reed was still convinced it was his turn. Em got the phone and took it into a quieter room. (Which is to say: a room that did not have Reed in it.)
I realize that little kid stories are not always as funny to those who don't know the featured child, but it really was the highlight of my day.
As you might expect, the photos above are of Emily (with my mom) and Reed (being goofy).
1 comment:
That's a fantastic hat that Reed is wearing.
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