Sep 23, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day 351

David is 3 months old!

And we have more videos for you!
One of these days I really am going to start writing blog posts again. The trouble is, Michael and I are (selectively) going on the job market this fall--which is to say in 2 weeks--and so all of my "writing" time is currently spoken for. Soon though!

The first video is of David complaining. Yes, complaining. He very rarely cries, only when he's uncomfortable or really really hungry--both situations that can usually be avoided. He does, however, complain when things just aren't as he'd like them to be. Like when he's in his swing, or bouncy seat, or on his play-mat, and he's decided it's time that somebody pick him up. A nicer mother probably would have turned the camera off and picked the poor child up, but I have to admit--I think it's hysterical, and really very cute, when he grumbles like this.

The second video is more of David (happily) babbling away. This is far more typical; the child talks all the time. Ask my mother if you don't believe me. We were on the phone the other day for 20 minutes, and David was babbling the whole time. He yells, too! He is just so much fun :)

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