Sep 29, 2008

EuroLIfe: Day 357

I should REALLY be sleeping, but these photos are just too cute. Michael is away until late Thursday night, and I will surely regret the fact that I am still up in no time at all. Anyway, here are some shots more of our little guy...Hopefully I'll come back and write some captions :)


elise said...

Dolores!!! Cute kid...though, what's that I spy in the third picture down on his chin? Is it spittle or a soul patch? Either way, mad props to the babe.

Anywho, I miss you and I urgently need your advice on studying for orals. I'm getting the list nailed down at the moment, but my exam will be late Jan. Too soon. I feel that your wisdom could save me lots o time...suggestions?

Deanna said...

He is ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to see him in a few weeks!